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Xbox One

Watch Dogs – Dedsec is watching

How to hack a whole city.

TitanFall – Gamescom demo

Video nou din TitanFall!

Battlefield 4 – Gamescom trailers galore

Go Premium and level everything!

Call of Duty: Ghosts – Multiplayer mayhem

Call of Duty revine cu Ghosts. Iată mult aşteptatul Multiplayer.

Dying Light – 12 minute minunate cu zombi

Good night and Good luck!

Whore of the Orient – noul joc “Team Bondi”

Whore of the Orient, un proiect nou!

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – gameplay nou

Ia harponul la vânătoare!

Dragon Age: Inquisition – Coverage Trailer

Noi detalii apar despre Dragon Age: Inquisition

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – poze noi

Screenshot-uri noi din Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Battlefield 4 – Alpha Multiplayer Gameplay

Multiplayer madness!!!
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