Trick or treat?
31 octombrie. Halloween. Poate singura zi în care suntem dispuși să ne îngrozim unii pe alții, să ne costumăm cât mai înfricoșător și să așteptăm cuminți țipetele îngrozite ale celor care au ghinionul să ne întâlnească…
De asemenea, este ziua în care alegem să ne chinuim și pe noi înșine și ne propunem să jucăm ore bune câteva titluri care să ne bântuie somnul sau, de ce nu, ne uităm la cele mai terifiante filme horror…
Pentru că și nouă ne place să ne speriem și să speriem pe alții la rândul nostru, am decis să facem un concurs cum n-am mai făcut niciodată. Așa că am mers pe platourile de filmare și am produs un scurt metraj îngrozitor de… ciudat, despre un cuplu nefericit. Sau ceva de genul ăsta.
Ideea concursului este simplă: Vizionați filmulețul nostru și spuneți-ne printr-un comentariu creativ care credeți că este povestea de fapt? Oare totul a fost un vis? Oare ziua trăită de protagonist a fost reală? Ce se va întâmpla în continuare?
Cel mai creativ, amuzant și îngrozitor scenariu îi va umple autorului sacul de Halloween cu premiul cel mare. Dar pentru că știm că ne va fi greu să alegem un singur câștigător, vom premia și locurile II și III.
Perioada de participare: 31 octombrie – 7 noiembrie. Câștigătorii vor fi anunțați cel târziu pe 9 noiembrie.
Iată lista premiilor:
Locul I:
- Casti Gaming In-Ear ROCCAT Aluma
- Joc Assassin’s Creed Origins (PS4)
- Hidden Blade (editie limitata) – Assassin’s Creed Origins
Locul II:
- Joc Assassin’s Creed Origins (PS4)
- Figurina Bayek – Assassin’s Creed Origins
- Tricou Assassin’s Creed Origins
Locul III:
- Joc Assassin’s Creed Origins (PS4)
- Figurina Aya
- Tricou Assassin’s Creed Origins
Premiile sunt oferite de partenerii noștri de la Ubisoft România și, cărora le mulțumim terifiant de mult pentru susținere.
Câștigătorii concursului sunt:
Locul I: Catalin Alexandru Bratianu
Locul II: Alexandru Mituchi
Locul III: Costigen
Ei vor fi contactați pe mail în cel mai scurt timp. Vă mulțumim tuturor pentru participare! Rămâneți alături de noi pentru noi concursuri, dar mai ales pentru cele mai noi in formații despre gaming și IT!
Daca totul se desfasoara ideal si scenariul si regia apropate ireal de perfectioniste si surprinzatoare, am avut parte de un final special, un final care cu siguranta te lasa in “visare”!
Ce pot sa zic ca acest scurt metraj se foloseste de cea mai complexa poveste. Ce traieste personajul este o repetitie a unei singure zii in care trebuie sa isi de-a seama cine este.Povestea este una interpretabila deoarece personajul va fii nevoit sa isi repete greselile pana le va intelege.
PS: Un scenariu pus la punct care incearca sa se lege de cele mai bune filme precum Inception,Before I fall si Matrix.
La mai multe scurtmetraje <3
Clipul a fost unul dintre cele mai “meh” clipuri horror pe care am avut … oroarea (pun intended) de a-l urmari. As vrea sa pot face o continuare creativa alei acestei povesti dar sunt … ingrozit de faptul ca orice as scrie ar depasi, probabil, nivelul acestui clip. Cu toate acestea, trebuie sa recunosc ca macar intrece calitatea filmelor de groaza din ultimii 10 ani (categoria “Insidious”).
Tipa e moarta de 20 de ani, s-a sinucis dupa ce prietenul ei de atunci a parasit-o pentru o alta. De atunci, bantuie pamantul si combina ingineri ITsti care aparent se despart de prietenele lor in pragul Haloweenului pentru a putea bea singuri vinul primit de la parinti si ii tortureaza prin diferite metode creative: Le trimite clipuri cu ea fara machiaj, fuge prin casa in timp ce ei incearca sa se uite la televizor, le arata ultimul act de iluzionism pe care l-a invatat de la David Blaine pe Youtube si la final ii face sa alerge in fata unei masini ce cauta permanent un loc de parcare aprope de scara blocului, incomodand soferul si astfel atraganu-le o ploaie de injuraturi la adresa familiei. Partea si mai nasoala este ca ii pune pe bietii ingineri ITsti vulnerabili sa retraiasca aceeasi zi din nou si din nou, ducandu-i la exasperare prin faptul ca lansarea urmatorului joc Assassin’s Creed nu se mai apropie, timpul stand efectiv in loc. Dupa parerea mea, asta e cea mai mare tortura …
Tipa este o creatura super hot, numita Vega, (hot precum un procesor amd vara) venita de pe planeta Shemaleion 7 din galaxia Bi-tan, este ca un fel de sucubus doar ca nu isi omoara victima ci profita de pe urma ei, ca un fel de pitipoanca de Galati. Ea apare cand te joci prea mult wow si nu ai viata sociala. Provenind de pe planeta Shemaleion 7, victima ei trebuie sa arate vag androgin, sa nu stii sigur din spate daca e barbat sau femeie (parul lung de data asta) ca sa se acomodeze mai usor. Are nevoie in general de doua saptamani pana sa o duci in pat, iar din clipa aceea te insamanteaza cu virusul ,numit pe planeta ei, “groundhogyasuocansur” care odata pornit ii opreste legaturile sinaptice a victimei si nu isi poate da seama ca profita de pe ea si totodata nu se poate desparti de ea, IAR daca prin ajutorul Lui Dumnezeu ,precum si-n povestea de mai sus, reuseste sa lege la loc neuronii, intra in joc a doua faza care ii induce cosmaruri si-i repeta ziua pana cand cedeaza si se impaca. In cele din urma victima va muri de batranete alaturi de Vega. Exista totusi o scapare, ca sa scapi de ea trebuie sa mergi la mormantul lui Arsenie si sa saruti 4 babe care merg in 4 labe si sunt orientate spre apus dupa care trebuie sa recunosti pe All4gaming Romania ca PC-urile sunt mai slabe decat consolele si sa te lasi de wow. Din acest moment Vegaul va fierbe in sucul propriu si se va renaste precum un phoenix la ea pe planeta si nu te va mai vana vreodata.
Morala povestii..
Deci, totul nu este decât un mare paradox de tip Russel și reprezintă dorinţa romanului de a se despărţi de PSD și Firea.
Bineînţeles că faptul face ca aceastia , personificaţi ca o simplă femeie in jurul menopauzei ce nu a mai iubit in ultimii ani decat o bucată de cauciuc roz numit simplu Gelu, să controleze totul chiar si timpul prezentându-i actorului principal de tip adonisiac o privire intr-un viitor condus de Ponta și BOR AKA 47 Rămân în Cartier. Actorul realizând ca totul a fost doar un vis trist (a se vedea Kazi Ploae 2014 versetele 14 si 22), îi cere antagonistei să se întâlnească oferindu-i drept cadou un urs, ce reprezinta găleata simbolică roșie si urarea reprezentând votul pro cicerian. Totul fiind pus cap la cap si terminat prin privirea iliesciana ce duce la o punere de întrebări asupra vieţii după PSD. Amen
Totul se desfasoara intr-un univers paralel, pe planeta Terra 2.0 unde “duduia” vrea sa se razbune pe fostul ei in cel mai “horror” mod posibil, asa ca a “inventat” un leac care o ajuta sa se transforme de cate ori doreste intr-un monstru “zombi” sa il “bantuie” pana la adanci batraneti. “Bantuit” pana peste cap de fosta, el ii da intalnire in parc sa poarte o ultima discutie si pregatindu-i o surpiza. Ajuns in parc, ea a sarit pe el sa il “devoreze”, asa ca el nu a stat mult pe ganduri a scos repede din buzunar un prezervativ ( pastrat ca aminitire de la prima intalnire ) si atunci s-a produs “minunea”, s-a transformat intr-un SUPER SAYAN, si a ucis-o cu o KA-ME-HA-ME-HA finalizata “ca din fundul curtii”.
Protagonistul isi cunoscuse prietena pe un site de dating. Ceea ce nu stia acesta era ca site-ul era condus de un computer cu inteligenta artificiala ce isi vanduse sufletul sintetic diavolului. La schimb, fortele maleficului creau parteneri prefecti pentru utilizatorii site-ului. Iar atunci cand protagonistul filmului s-a despartit de prietena sa, softul demonic al site-ului nu a putut concepe asa ceva si a initiat un proces demonic de rebooting pentru a remedia problema.
Am ales sa scriu in limba engleza datorita unor factori personali, sper sa nu fie o incovenienta.
Oricum, am facut o recapitulare a evenimentelor din filmare si am adaugat cateva explicatii proprii a unor amanunte sau actiuni ale personajelor. Spre sfarsit am inclus o explicatie a faptelor si o concluzie.
With each step, a new story is born; a new and unexplored reality, a misunderstood nightmare. As such, the tales hidden in sight can tend to be the ones to not be observed…only for later to come as a legend. Sometimes it can become nothing more than one of those fairy tales that everyone knows or has heard of, while others…are meant to be passed on, as sort of a warning of the past, one that can be as terrifying as sitting up close to death itself.
Those thoughts aside, this here story presents one situation that can be best described as the latter, a horrifying outcome within the life of a man and woman, a couple with…a troublesome situation. The tale travels along the wind as nothing more but a whisper…
It starts as any other day, as the man wakes up from what would seem a nightmare, a possible warning that he may have received through the transparent veil of his dreams… As such his quick intake of breath, as he opens his eyes and a rapid rise from bed, a startled look set on his face whilst his mind struggles to take in the room in which he finds himself, the bed, the sheets and all that his eyes could filter.
A moment or two pass as he calms enough for his mind to catch up to his surroundings. To his right, a constant reminder of the day ahead to which he must make a change in his life. As such, he takes the phone from the bed and scans his message to the one person he thought would be his salvation. Yet, with much dread he knows that whatever they had in the past…that is what it is, the past and not their future. A quick message he sends to set up a meeting with his beloved, or… soon to be not more than a figment of his past.
Time passes by quickly and the dreaded time for the meet up has come. As he makes his way through the park, he sees the girl in white waiting at the aforementioned place. He makes his way to the bench on which she sits in wait.
Without offering a greeting, the man sits on the bench near her. No other sign of any sort of affection, no nothing, he jumps straight to the point and reminds her that they need, or at least he needs to speak. Thus as he starts to speak, their relationship reached its end. For with the words he lets out… the present has now become the past. With that, he ends and without another word of departure, he moves away from her with each passing step.
However the girl’s features contort into a sign of confusion. Or so it would seem…for as he leaves, the atmosphere turns eerie, and she stands with a slight deranged look, followed by her deep voice…to let out a warning of what is to come.
“…you shall regret…”
Once more, time passes without any other significant event. The man arrives home, and continues with his routine into the night. As he lay in bed, waiting for sleep to overcome him, the atmosphere catches a sinister vibe as a shadow dashes past his sight.
Unable to fall asleep, he rises from bed and finds himself something to keep his mind off the weird thing he noticed a couple seconds in the past. With a beverage in hand, he makes his way to the window and while he gazes at the scene before him. A person stays in the road, unmoving. However as soon as a car passes by… that same person disappears from view, leaving behind a horrified and confused man.
As he struggles to make sense of what is happening around him, he makes his way to the bathroom to attempt and clear his mind. However… the ghostly presence continues to pester the man… at first without a clear notice. Thus, the man decides it’s time to make his way outside of the apartment in order to steer clear from the weird events and find some peace…for his mind to come up with an explanation for what he has seen.
As he takes his jacket on, a final appearance on his living wall, a video of a woman that asks… “Do you regret!?”
The final straw has been pulled and the man runs away, in an attempt to escape. Although as he leaves the building and reaches the street…the prediction he was shown becomes real. The person in the street and the car become his present and future… he dies in a car accident.
In truth, the story does not end…
As is said, during Halloween ghosts and devils arise in search of new victims to torment, some more dangerous than the usual ghostly apparition. The woman, she is not real… but an apparition of the past…
In a past life, she had a happy life… A boyfriend that made her smile…until one day, when it all came crashing down. That was to be the last of her story, the final moment when someone to see her alive. No one truly knows more of who she was or what she did. No one even knows how or when happened…but one night, she died in an accident…a car.
Some say that to this day she still haunts the grounds of the park, searching for a new beloved one. Each year, on the same day she finds a new target. For as much as a few days, she becomes invaluable to that person or so she would like to believe. If the person performs a repeat of the events that broke her, she will take her revenge… however if he stands by her to the very last moment, until the hour when she died arrives, then he will live forth, unbeknownst to him of the tragedy of his ‘lover’.
The woman wants to die happily knowing that someone out there loved her to the end…and those who do not respect her wish…shall feel her wrath.
The man in the story is a perfect example of a repeat of her broken past… Thus the story does not end for him, for there is a side of the legends that no one knows but the dead.
As so, once more the man awakens… as if the day from before hasn’t even come into existence. Thus the events repeat up until the man sits near his beloved in the park on the bench.
As the events from before…he feels scared to break free, afraid that they may become true. Thus he gives in to her. With a gift she becomes happy that it was not a bad omen, the text she ‘received’…
It seems to be a happy end with the final smile. However, in truth… the dead man has become nothing more than a lost soul, caught in the arms of the apparition for all eternity as the smile fades from her features… the deed is done and he is hers. As such, her look turns serious as she waits for a new target when the time is right.
With a final note, it is said that when a soul forgets its freedom and surrenders to the woman…they lose their final chance to break free from her.
As such, after the woman took revenge on the man and her curse took effect on the street… killing him. The final moment in the park is but his lost soul being captured by her.
Totul se petrece in subconstientul lui. Povestea este un “cosmar” din care nu se mai poate trezi de cateva zile. Totul a inceput acum cateva zile, in timp ce se juca pe monstruosul sau PC de gaming, cand dintr-o data, iubita suparata pe el ca nu prea ii mai acorda atentie si sta tot timpul pe PC, il loveste cu o tigaie in cap strigand “THIS IS SPARTAAA” ( proaspat luata la oferta din supermarket), lovitura fiind foarte puternica, comparabila cu cea a “Perversului de pe Targul Ocna” provocandu-i o coma profunda. In subconstient incearca de nemumarate ori sa se desparta de ea, dar de fiecare data esueaza “mai rau ca balena pe uscat”.
Finalul este unul tragic, in care el nu isi mai revine si este deconectat de la aparate, fiind ucis de uimitoarea forta a tigaii cu care l-a lovit iubita.
Morala : Tigaiile la oferta sunt cele mai rezistente .
Ne-ai făcut să râdem. Locul 3. Not bad, eh? :))
Multumesc pentru oportunitatea de a castiga. Chiar am stat ceva sa compun acest text :))
Am ales sa scriu in limba engleza datorita unor factori personali, sper sa nu fie o incovenienta.
Oricum, am facut o recapitulare a evenimentelor din filmare si am adaugat cateva explicatii proprii a unor amanunte sau actiuni ale personajelor. Spre sfarsit am inclus o explicatie a faptelor si o concluzie.
With each step, a new story is born; a new and unexplored reality, a misunderstood nightmare. As such, the tales hidden in sight can tend to be the ones to not be observed…only for later to come as a legend. Sometimes it can become nothing more than one of those fairy tales that everyone knows or has heard of, while others…are meant to be passed on, as sort of a warning of the past, one that can be as terrifying as sitting up close to death itself.
Those thoughts aside, this here story presents one situation that can be best described as the latter, a horrifying outcome within the life of a man and woman, a couple with…a troublesome situation. The tale travels along the wind as nothing more but a whisper…
It starts as any other day, as the man wakes up from what would seem a nightmare, a possible warning that he may have received through the transparent veil of his dreams… As such his quick intake of breath, as he opens his eyes and a rapid rise from bed, a startled look set on his face whilst his mind struggles to take in the room in which he finds himself, the bed, the sheets and all that his eyes could filter.
A moment or two pass as he calms enough for his mind to catch up to his surroundings. To his right, a constant reminder of the day ahead to which he must make a change in his life. As such, he takes the phone from the bed and scans his message to the one person he thought would be his salvation. Yet, with much dread he knows that whatever they had in the past…that is what it is, the past and not their future. A quick message he sends to set up a meeting with his beloved, or… soon to be not more than a figment of his past.
Time passes by quickly and the dreaded time for the meet up has come. As he makes his way through the park, he sees the girl in white waiting at the aforementioned place. He makes his way to the bench on which she sits in wait.
Without offering a greeting, the man sits on the bench near her. No other sign of any sort of affection, no nothing, he jumps straight to the point and reminds her that they need, or at least he needs to speak. Thus as he starts to speak, their relationship reached its end. For with the words he lets out… the present has now become the past. With that, he ends and without another word of departure, he moves away from her with each passing step.
However the girl’s features contort into a sign of confusion. Or so it would seem…for as he leaves, the atmosphere turns eerie, and she stands with a slight deranged look, followed by her deep voice…to let out a warning of what is to come.
“…you shall regret…”
Once more, time passes without any other significant event. The man arrives home, and continues with his routine into the night. As he lay in bed, waiting for sleep to overcome him, the atmosphere catches a sinister vibe as a shadow dashes past his sight.
Unable to fall asleep, he rises from bed and finds himself something to keep his mind off the weird thing he noticed a couple seconds in the past. With a beverage in hand, he makes his way to the window and while he gazes at the scene before him. A person stays in the road, unmoving. However as soon as a car passes by… that same person disappears from view, leaving behind a horrified and confused man.
As he struggles to make sense of what is happening around him, he makes his way to the bathroom to attempt and clear his mind. However… the ghostly presence continues to pester the man… at first without a clear notice. Thus, the man decides it’s time to make his way outside of the apartment in order to steer clear from the weird events and find some peace…for his mind to come up with an explanation for what he has seen.
As he takes his jacket on, a final appearance on his living wall, a video of a woman that asks… “Do you regret!?”
The final straw has been pulled and the man runs away, in an attempt to escape. Although as he leaves the building and reaches the street…the prediction he was shown becomes real. The person in the street and the car become his present and future… he dies in a car accident.
In truth, the story does not end…
As is said, during Halloween ghosts and devils arise in search of new victims to torment, some more dangerous than the usual ghostly apparition. The woman, she is not real… but an apparition of the past…
In a past life, she had a happy life… A boyfriend that made her smile…until one day, when it all came crashing down. That was to be the last of her story, the final moment when someone to see her alive. No one truly knows more of who she was or what she did. No one even knows how or when happened…but one night, she died in an accident…a car.
Some say that to this day she still haunts the grounds of the park, searching for a new beloved one. Each year, on the same day she finds a new target. For as much as a few days, she becomes invaluable to that person or so she would like to believe. If the person performs a repeat of the events that broke her, she will take her revenge… however if he stands by her to the very last moment, until the hour when she died arrives, then he will live forth, unbeknownst to him of the tragedy of his ‘lover’.
The woman wants to die happily knowing that someone out there loved her to the end…and those who do not respect her wish…shall feel her wrath.
The man in the story is a perfect example of a repeat of her broken past… Thus the story does not end for him, for there is a side of the legends that no one knows but the dead.
As so, once more the man awakens… as if the day from before hasn’t even come into existence. Thus the events repeat up until the man sits near his beloved in the park on the bench.
As the events from before…he feels scared to break free, afraid that they may become true. Thus he gives in to her. With a gift she becomes happy that it was not a bad omen, the text she ‘received’…
Am ales sa scriu in limba engleza, ofera o libertate de exprimare mai diversa din punctul meu de vedere. Daca exista o problema, pot traduce totul si sa resubmit.
In truth, the story does not end…
As is said, during Halloween ghosts and devils arise in search of new victims to torment, some more dangerous than the usual ghostly apparition. The woman, she is not real… but an apparition of the past…
In a past life, she had a happy life… A boyfriend that made her smile…until one day, when it all came crashing down. That was to be the last of her story, the final moment when someone to see her alive. No one truly knows more of who she was or what she did. No one even knows how or when happened…but one night, she died in an accident…a car.
Some say that to this day she still haunts the grounds of the park, searching for a new beloved one. Each year, on the same day she finds a new target. For as much as a few days, she becomes invaluable to that person or so she would like to believe. If the person performs a repeat of the events that broke her, she will take her revenge… however if he stands by her to the very last moment, until the hour when she died arrives, then he will live forth, unbeknownst to him of the tragedy of his ‘lover’. However these men will forever remain marked by the apparition… what the mark entails, shall remain a mystery.
The woman wants to die happily knowing that someone out there loved her to the end…and those who do not respect her wish…shall feel her wrath.
The man in the story is a perfect example of a repeat of her broken past… Thus the story does not end for him, for there is a side of the legends that no one knows but the dead.
As so, once more the man awakens… as if the day from before hasn’t even come into existence. Thus the events repeat up until the man sits near his beloved in the park on the bench.
As the events from before…he feels scared to break free, afraid that they may become true. Thus he gives in to her. With a gift she becomes happy that it was not a bad omen, the text she ‘received’…
It seems to be a happy end with the final smile. However, in truth… the dead man has become nothing more than a lost soul, caught in the arms of the apparition for all eternity as the smile fades from her features… the deed is done and he is hers. As such, her look turns serious as she waits for a new target when the time is right.
With a final note, it is said that when a soul forgets its freedom and surrenders to the woman…they lose their final chance to break free from her.
As such, after the woman took revenge on the man and her curse took its final toll on the street… killing him. The final moment in the park is but his lost soul being captured by her.
Povestea reprezinta un clasic… O fantoma ce se ataseaza de persoane si ramane astfel pana conditiile blestemului sunt indeplinite. Sau blestemul este rupt…
Barbatul se trezeste speriat…putem prezice ca a avut un cosmar, sau poate chiar un avertisment asupra situatiei in care se afla. Nimeni nu va putea sti cu siguranta…caci povestea barbatului va muri odata cu el… Accidentul de masina pare a fi acel final de poveste…insa…
Insa, povestea nu se incheie…
Dupa cum se povesteste, in perioada Halloween-ului fantomele si demonii se ivesc din neant in cautarea a noi victime de torturat, unele finte fiind mai periculoase decat aparitiile fantomatice obisnuite. Astfel femeia nu este reala…sau cel putin nu mai este o fiinta vie, doar o aparitie a trecutului.
Intr-o viata anterioara, ea a dus un trai fericit. Avea tot ce isi putea dori, incluzand o viata amoroasa ce ii aducea zambetul pe buze…pana intr-o zi , cand tot ce i se parea a fi o realitate de invidiat, s-a prabusit asupra ei ca o avalansa de neoprit. Nimeni nu stie intr-adevar ce s-a intamplat in aceea seara. Nimeni nu stie cum sau cand s-a intamplat…dar in acel moment, fata si-a pierdut viata intr-un accident…de masina.
In timp povestea a suferit modificari, aceasta calatorind in soapta pe aripile vantului. Lasand in urma mici franturi a adevarului.
Se spune, ca pana in ziua de azi, ea inca bantuie micul parc, in cautarea unui nou ‘paramour’. In fiecare an, in aceeasi zi ea isi gaseste o noua tinta. Timp de cateva zile ea devine nepretuita persoanei respective sau, cel putin, asa doreste sa creada. Iar, daca persoana readuce la viata trecutul…si ii va distruge inima asemeni momentului dinaintea accidentului. Fata se va razbuna. Insa daca persoana va ramane alaturi de fata pana la sfarsit, atunci acela isi va continua viata ca si cum nimic nu s-a intamplat…insa mereu va exista un gol unde fata si-a depus samanta. Acesti barbati vor trai viata pana la sfarsit insa vor ramne mereu marcati de aparitie, de fata…totusi ce impune acest insemn, va ramane pentru vecie un mister.
Intr-un final, fata vrea sa fie fericita…sa isi incheie aceasta retraire a unui cosmar cu un final fericit…si cei care nu ii vor respecta dorinta…ii vor simti mania. Astfel an de an, final fericit sau nu…ea va reveni. Acesta este blestemul iubirii de Halloween.
In acest an, barbatul ce va ramane atasat povestii blestemului fetei, acesta este un exemplu perfect a repetarii trecutului deteriorat al ei… Prin creare unei rupturi in relatie, acesta ii readuce cosmarul la viata si reaprinde flacara razbunarii, incheind astfel conexiunea cu trecutul. Nimeni nu poate fi invinuit pentru ce va urma, dar povestea barbatului pare a ajunge la un sfarsit tragic in strada. Insa exista o parte a povestii care nu o va cunoaste nimeni altul, cu exceptia celor trecuti in nefiinta.
Astfel, inca o data barbatul se trezeste… de parca momentele de groaza ce le-a trait acum putin timp nu s-ar fi intamplat. Prin urmare, evenimentele se vor repeta pana la momentul in care barbatul se va aseza alaturi de iubita sa pe banca din parc.
In timp ce evenimentele prin care acesta a trecut ii preocupa mintea, barbatul alege sa ignore avertismentul de aceasta data. Sperand sa evite o repetare a cosmarului care l-a “trait”. Insa ceea ce nu stie el, este faptul ca este deja prea tarziu…
Astfel el alege sa ramana alaturi de fata. Insa pentru el este prea tarziu…blestemul este deja abatut asupra lui. Iar prin o ultima alegere, acesta isi pierde libertatea sufletului. Aparitia, fata, primeste sufletul cu bratele deschise. Iar barbatul…devine pierdut pe vecie chiar si in nefiinta.
Pare ca filmul se termina cu un final fericit. Insa, intr-adevar…accidentul de masina reprezinta finalul povestii barbatului…sau cel putin finalul cunoscut de muritorul de rand. In fapt, el a devenit nimic mai mult decat un suflet pierdut, prins in bratele aparitiei pentru eternitate. Pe fata fetei se vede un zmabet…care incet se transforma intr-o expresie neutra, privirea ei concentrata asupra viitorului…mai exact al anului urmator…cand isi va gasi o noua victima.
Ca o nota finala, se spune ca atunci cand un suflet isi uita libertatea si se preda aparitiei…acestia isi pierd ultima sansa pentru a se elibera.
Astfel, dupa ce razbunarea se incheie si barbatul moare… in parc, ziua urmatoare, se revede doar efectul final al blestemului. Un ultim moment in care este decisa soarta sufletului persoanei nefericite.
Am ales sa scriu in limba engleza, ofera o libertate de exprimare mai diversa din punctul meu de vedere.
With each step, a new story is born; a new and unexplored reality, a misunderstood nightmare. As such, the tales hidden in sight can tend to be the ones to not be observed…only for later to come as a legend. Sometimes it can become nothing more than one of those fairy tales that everyone knows or has heard of, while others…are meant to be passed on, as sort of a warning of the past, one that can be as terrifying as sitting up close to death itself.
Those thoughts aside, this here story presents one situation that can be best described as the latter, a horrifying outcome within the life of a man and woman, a couple with…a troublesome situation. The tale travels along the wind as nothing more but a whisper…
It starts as any other day, as the man wakes up from what would seem a nightmare, a possible warning that he may have received through the transparent veil of his dreams… As such his quick intake of breath, as he opens his eyes and a rapid rise from bed, a startled look set on his face whilst his mind struggles to take in the room in which he finds himself, the bed, the sheets and all that his eyes could filter.
A moment or two pass as he calms enough for his mind to catch up to his surroundings. To his right, a constant reminder of the day ahead to which he must make a change in his life. As such, he takes the phone from the bed and scans his message to the one person he thought would be his salvation. Yet, with much dread he knows that whatever they had in the past…that is what it is, the past and not their future. A quick message he sends to set up a meeting with his beloved, or… soon to be not more than a figment of his past.
Time passes by quickly and the dreaded time for the meet up has come. As he makes his way through the park, he sees the girl in white waiting at the aforementioned place. He makes his way to the bench on which she sits in wait.
Without offering a greeting, the man sits on the bench near her. No other sign of any sort of affection, no nothing, he jumps straight to the point and reminds her that they need, or at least he needs to speak.
Thus as he starts to speak, their relationship reached its end. For with the words he lets out… the present has now become the past. With that, he ends and without another word of departure, he moves away from her with each passing step.
However the girl’s features contort into a sign of confusion. Or so it would seem…for as he leaves, the atmosphere turns eerie, and she stands with a slight deranged look, followed by her deep voice…to let out a warning of what is to come.
“…you shall regret…”
Once more, time passes without any other significant event. The man arrives home, and continues with his routine into the night. As he lay in bed, waiting for sleep to overcome him, the atmosphere catches a sinister vibe as a shadow dashes past his sight.
Unable to fall asleep, he rises from bed and finds himself something to keep his mind off the weird thing he noticed a couple seconds in the past. With a beverage in hand, he makes his way to the window and while he gazes at the scene before him. A person stays in the road, unmoving. However as soon as a car passes by… that same person disappears from view, leaving behind a horrified and confused man.
As he struggles to make sense of what is happening around him, he makes his way to the bathroom to attempt and clear his mind. However… the ghostly presence continues to pester the man… at first without a clear notice. Thus, the man decides it’s time to make his way outside of the apartment in order to steer clear from the weird events and find some peace…for his mind to come up with an explanation for what he has seen.
As he takes his jacket on, a final appearance on his living wall, a video of a woman that asks… “Do you regret!?”
The final straw has been pulled and the man runs away, in an attempt to escape. Although as he leaves the building and reaches the street…the prediction he was shown becomes real. The person in the street and the car become his present and future… he dies in a car accident.
In truth, the story does not end…
As is said, during Halloween ghosts and devils arise in search of new victims to torment, some more dangerous than the usual ghostly apparition. The woman, she is not real… but an apparition of the past…
In a past life, she had a happy life… A boyfriend that made her smile…until one day, when it all came crashing down. That was to be the last of her story, the final moment when someone to see her alive. No one truly knows more of who she was or what she did. No one even knows how or when happened…but one night, she died in an accident…a car.
Some say that to this day she still haunts the grounds of the park, searching for a new beloved one. Each year, on the same day she finds a new target. For as much as a few days, she becomes invaluable to that person or so she would like to believe. If the person performs a repeat of the events that broke her, she will take her revenge… however if he stands by her to the very last moment, until the hour when she died arrives, then he will live forth, unbeknownst to him of the tragedy of his ‘lover’.
The woman wants to die happily knowing that someone out there loved her to the end…and those who do not respect her wish…shall feel her wrath.
The man in the story is a perfect example of a repeat of her broken past… Thus the story does not end for him, for there is a side of the legends that no one knows but the dead.
As so, once more the man awakens… as if the day from before hasn’t even come into existence. Thus the events repeat up until the man sits near his beloved in the park on the bench.
As the events from before…he feels scared to break free, afraid that they may become true. Thus he gives in to her. With a gift she becomes happy that it was not a bad omen, the text she ‘received’…
It seems to be a happy end with the final smile. However, in truth… the dead man has become nothing more than a lost soul, caught in the arms of the apparition for all eternity as the smile fades from her features… the deed is done and he is hers. As such, her look turns serious as she waits for a new target when the time is right.
With a final note, it is said that when a soul forgets its freedom and surrenders to the woman…they lose their final chance to break free from her.
As such, after the woman took revenge on the man and her curse took its final toll on the street… killing him. The final moment in the park is but his lost soul being captured by her.
Ai câștigat. Vei fi contactat pe mail pentru a intra in posesia premiilor :D!
Multumesc pentru oportunitate.
Nu gasesc foarte des concursuri de creative writing pe siteu-uri romanesti. A fost fun. Si filmuletul a oferit posibilitati multiple.
Presupun ca a fost o fantoma ce a posedat-o pe fata si creeaza aceeasi zi pana cand obtine ceea ce vrea.In momentul in care el va repeta aceeasi greseala de 3 ori va fi pedepsit sa sfarseasca asemenea ei, adica sa fie o fantoma care nu isi va gasi linistea.
La o analiza mai detaliata a clipului, se poate observa ca el reprezinta nimic altceva decat prequelul seriei Matrix. Ca orice prequel, el este la nivelul asteptarilor, cu un buget minim si cu dorinte de a spune prea multe in prea putin timp. Cu toate acestea, am reusit sa adun elemente esentiale care m-au ajutat sa interpretez viziunea directo-regizorala.
Eroul, a carui denumire este NEON pe romaneste, ofera fibrele tesaturii pe care se va desfasura viitoarea trilogie. Conform antagonistului principal, “Arhitectul”, NEON este o existenta recurenta, ce apre dupa fiecare reboot al simulatorului. Acest protagonist, considerat de mine a fi ultimul prototip inainte de mai chipesul sau succesor, Keanu Reeves, traieste intr-o lume aproape perfecta, in care s-a incercat introducerea elementului de haos prin intermediul viselor, si cum se cunoaste ca relatiile sunt cosmarul fiecarul barbat, poftim prima dovada.
Exact ca in preaiubita serie, exista si un Morpheus, pe care il putem vedea plimbandu-se in masina neagra de la secunda 50. Un “easter egg” in productie cu siguranta, negru fiind si tonul pielii lui Morpheus, zeul viselor in mitologia greaca.
Dorind libertate, NEON activeaza odata cu acest concept, programul ce ruleaza campul de batalie dintre cele 2 forte. Astfel, in timpul hartuirii sale, protagonistul poate fi observat privindu-se in oglinda, o metafora pentru proiectia in alt plan (POATE CHIAR CEL AL VISELOR 😮 ), si coborand scarile, ca o metafora pentru intrarea tot mai adanc in subconstient, deci cum credea Freud, ca subconstientul razbate in planul oniric.
Scopul final al matrixului a ramas acelasi, ca protagonistul sa se sacrifice…si cum altfel decat sa isi schimbe atitudinea fata de relatie la 540 de grade si sa se “sacrifice” intr-o relatie cu nimeni altul decat agentul SMITH (foarte open minded din partea echipei de productie).
Nu mai trebuie spus ca lumina lui NEON s-a stins din cauza obezitatii pe care a capatat-o, ajungand astfel in prezent, 1999, la noul univers pe care am ajuns sa il iubim, pentru a-l uri din nou odata cu aparitia partii a treia.
Totul este o simulare pe calculator intr-un program gen C++; despartirea lui este o conditie ce il duce pe o ramura repetitiva si moartea este clicul ce repeta programul. Fata e de fapt un virus ce altereaza codul programului si eroul nosfru trebuie sa gaseasca o cale sa iasa din starea repetitiva. El va reusi asta cu siguranta, dandu-si seama ca se afla intr-o simulare ( teoria lui Elon Musk )
Poate fi si cliseul gen Edge of Tomorrow, ARQ (2016) sau Source code. Eroul este fortat sa retraiasca ultimele clipe din viata personajului respectiv pana afla motivul mortii sale sau pana gaseste o cale sa iasa din paradox.
Ora 08:30 … Trezit brusc din somn, speriat Sven incearca sa isi calmeze respiratia si incet … incet incepe sa inteleaga ca defapt a visat ceva urat. Se duce spre bucatarie sa isi pregateasca o cafea … involuntar se uita spre calendar si realizeaza ca este 31.11.2017. – Oh este Halloween-ul, am uitat … trebuia sa fac pregatirile … dar ciudat, in fiecare an sunt pregatit ! – Eh, nu-i bai merg la market si cumpar cele necesare, o chem si pe iubita, mergem impreuna daca e … si poate ii spun de data asta … da ! O suna … dar nu ii raspunde. Sven isi face griji, suna rudele si prietenii fetei dar ea nu este de gasit. – O face o gluma proasta de Halloween ! Isi spusene el in gand,. – Da si diseara sigur facem un party surpriza sau stiu eu ce alte idei de ale ei istete, in fiecare an este asa si sincer sunt satul de asta, pe de alta parte nu asta este problema … nici nu stiu cum sa scap de ea. Glumind isi spune – Poate de data asta nu-se mai intoarce de tot haha ! Ora 21:30, inca fara semne de la ea si petrecere ioc … Sven doarme de zor, a baut o sticla de vin toata seara. Se face ora 08:30 Sven se trezeste brusc si speriat, isi cauta telefonul si realizeaza ca este 31.11.2017 si iar acesi ora ca in visul sau. – Eh, am visat urat, de data asta trebuie sa ii spun …, sunt prea stresat si imi sta gandul asta in cap ! Sven ii trimite un mesaj prietenei sale Iondy ” – Trebuie sa vorbim. Ne vedem in parcul Cismigiu pe banca de langa chioscul de ziare in doua ore … este urgent ! In parc Sven ii spune iubitei sale – Ti-am zis ca trebuie sa vorbim, relatia noastra nu mai poate continua … ! – Nu cred ca este cazu sa mai zic de ce, chiar nu cred … atat am avut de zis. Sven se ridica si pleaca, in timp ce Iondy ii sopteste ca va regreta … ! Seara ajuns acasa Sven eliberat de povara de pe suflet, se baga la un film … timp in care incepe sa aiba halucinatii, bantuit parca de imaginea noi lui foste iubite. – Eh, oboseala bag niste bere si somn, a fost o zi lunga ! I Ora 08:30 Sven se trezeste brusc si speriat isi cauta telefonul … este 31.11.2017 si iar 08:30. – Ce vis urat, parca totul se repeta ca un Deja Vu. Sven ii trimite un mesaj lui Iondy, acelas mesaj ce cel de datile trecute ! De data asta incearca ceva diferit, Iondy il astepta pe banca ca si datile trecute. Sven ii ofera un cadou un liliac de plush. – Happy Halloween, draga mea ! Se rupe filmul brusc, 08:30 … trezit brusc si speriat iar pentru a 5-a oara Sven ofteaza … din nou este 31.12.2017 … – Ma simt ca in filmul Ziua Cartitei … ! – Totul se repeta, la infinit parca …, inebunesc parca sunt prins intr-o bucla a timpului. Personajul nostru este defapt prins in constiinta lui care incearca sa reconstuiasca evenimente din ziua acidentului … da … vedeti Sven era la volan in momentul in care ii spusese iubitei sale ca relatia lor nu mai poate continua, o fractiune de secunda si totul a disparut, iubirea si viata … o fractiune de secunda in care incerca sa o linisteaca din plans… o secunda si au intrat intr-un alun vestejit de pe marginea drumului. Constiinta lui nu stie dar el este in coma,si Iondy in neant… Iondy nu a supravietuit … spiritul ei este legat de alunul vestejit pentru eternitate.
Uhm am postat o interpretare chiar pe 7 nov si nu apare aici !?
Din cate stiu se putea scrie pana pe 7 noiembrie, nu inteleg de ce a fost stearsa dar era aceasta !? – > Ora 08:30 … Trezit brusc din somn, speriat Sven incearca sa isi calmeze respiratia si incet … incet incepe sa inteleaga ca defapt a visat ceva urat. Se duce spre bucatarie sa isi pregateasca o cafea … involuntar se uita spre calendar si realizeaza ca este 31.11.2017. – Oh este Halloween-ul, am uitat … trebuia sa fac pregatirile … dar ciudat, in fiecare an sunt pregatit ! – Eh, nu-i bai merg la market si cumpar cele necesare, o chem si pe iubita, mergem impreuna daca e … si poate ii spun de data asta … da ! O suna … dar nu ii raspunde. Sven isi face griji, suna rudele si prietenii fetei dar ea nu este de gasit. – O face o gluma proasta de Halloween ! Isi spusene el in gand,. – Da si diseara sigur facem un party surpriza sau stiu eu ce alte idei de ale ei istete, in fiecare an este asa si sincer sunt satul de asta, pe de alta parte nu asta este problema … nici nu stiu cum sa scap de ea. Glumind isi spune – Poate de data asta nu-se mai intoarce de tot haha ! Ora 21:30, inca fara semne de la ea si petrecere ioc … Sven doarme de zor, a baut o sticla de vin toata seara. Se face ora 08:30 Sven se trezeste brusc si speriat, isi cauta telefonul si realizeaza ca este 31.11.2017 si iar acesi ora ca in visul sau. – Eh, am visat urat, de data asta trebuie sa ii spun …, sunt prea stresat si imi sta gandul asta in cap ! Sven ii trimite un mesaj prietenei sale Iondy ” – Trebuie sa vorbim. Ne vedem in parcul Cismigiu pe banca de langa chioscul de ziare in doua ore … este urgent ! In parc Sven ii spune iubitei sale – Ti-am zis ca trebuie sa vorbim, relatia noastra nu mai poate continua … ! – Nu cred ca este cazu sa mai zic de ce, chiar nu cred … atat am avut de zis. Sven se ridica si pleaca, in timp ce Iondy ii sopteste ca va regreta … ! Seara ajuns acasa Sven eliberat de povara de pe suflet, se baga la un film … timp in care incepe sa aiba halucinatii, bantuit parca de imaginea noi lui foste iubite. – Eh, oboseala bag niste bere si somn, a fost o zi lunga ! Isi zice … Ora 08:30 Sven se trezeste brusc si speriat isi cauta telefonul … este 31.11.2017. – Ce vis urat, parca totul se repeta ca un Deja Vu. Sven ii trimite un mesaj lui Iondy, acelas mesaj ce cel de datile trecute ! In parc de data asta incearca ceva diferit, Iondy il asteapta pe banca ca si datile trecute. Sven ii ofera in cadou un liliac de plush. – Happy Halloween, draga mea ! 08:30 … trezit brusc si speriat Sven realizeaza ca din nou este 31.12.2017 … – Ma simt ca in filmul Ziua Cartitei … ! Totul se repeta, la infinit parca … prins intr-o bucla a timpului. Dar defapt este constiinta lui care incearca sa reconstuiasca evenimente din ziua acidentului, vedeti Sven era la volan in momentul in care ii spusese iubitei sale ca relatia lor nu mai poate continua, o fractiune de secunda si totul a disparut, incerca sa o linisteaca … timp in care au intrat pe contrasens. Sven este in coma la spital si Iondy … ei bine Iondy nu a supravietuit … a ramas doar fantoma ei.
As vrea sa stiu de ce tot imi este stearsa interpretarea …
Nu ti-a fost stearsa. Disqus, serviciul de comments, a considerat-o spam. Este in regula. De fapt, nu doar ca este in regula, dar esti si unul dintre castigatori :).
Salut, da am intrat pe Disquis azi si adevarat ca o punea ca spam … probabil din cauza numerelor cu data repetata in postare, anyways multumesc mult pentru rabdare si initiativa.
Ora 08:30 … Trezit brusc din somn, speriat Sven incearca sa isi calmeze respiratia si incet … incet incepe sa inteleaga ca defapt a visat ceva urat. Se duce spre bucatarie sa isi pregateasca o cafea … involuntar se uita spre calendar si realizeaza ca este 31.11.2017. – Oh este Halloween-ul, am uitat … trebuia sa fac pregatirile … dar ciudat, in fiecare an sunt pregatit ! – Eh, nu-i bai merg la market si cumpar cele necesare, o chem si pe iubita, mergem impreuna daca e … si poate ii spun de data asta … da ! O suna … dar nu ii raspunde. Sven isi face griji, suna rudele si prietenii fetei dar ea nu este de gasit. – O face o gluma proasta de Halloween ! Isi spusene el in gand,. – Da si diseara sigur facem un party surpriza sau stiu eu ce alte idei de ale ei istete, in fiecare an este asa si sincer sunt satul de asta, pe de alta parte nu asta este problema … nici nu stiu cum sa scap de ea. Glumind isi spune – Poate de data asta nu-se mai intoarce de tot haha ! Ora 21:30, inca fara semne de la ea si petrecere ioc … Sven doarme de zor, a baut o sticla de vin toata seara. Se face ora 08:30 Sven se trezeste brusc si speriat, isi cauta telefonul si realizeaza ca este 31.11.2017 si iar acesi ora ca in visul sau. – Eh, am visat urat, de data asta trebuie sa ii spun …, sunt prea stresat si imi sta gandul asta in cap ! Sven ii trimite un mesaj prietenei sale Iondy ” – Trebuie sa vorbim. Ne vedem in parcul Cismigiu pe banca de langa chioscul de ziare in doua ore … este urgent ! In parc Sven ii spune iubitei sale – Ti-am zis ca trebuie sa vorbim, relatia noastra nu mai poate continua … ! – Nu cred ca este cazu sa mai zic de ce, chiar nu cred … atat am avut de zis. Sven se ridica si pleaca, in timp ce Iondy ii sopteste ca va regreta … ! Seara ajuns acasa Sven eliberat de povara de pe suflet, se baga la un film … timp in care incepe sa aiba halucinatii, bantuit parca de imaginea noi lui foste iubite. – Eh, oboseala bag niste bere si somn, a fost o zi lunga ! Isi zice … Ora 08:30 Sven se trezeste brusc si speriat isi cauta telefonul … este 31.11.2017. – Ce vis urat, parca totul se repeta ca un Deja Vu. Sven ii trimite un mesaj lui Iondy, acelas mesaj ce cel de datile trecute ! In parc de data asta incearca ceva diferit, Iondy il asteapta pe banca ca si datile trecute. Sven ii ofera in cadou un liliac de plush. – Happy Halloween, draga mea ! 08:30 … trezit brusc si speriat Sven realizeaza ca din nou este 31.12.2017 … – Ma simt ca in filmul Ziua Cartitei … ! Totul se repeta, la infinit parca … prins intr-o bucla a timpului. Dar defapt este constiinta lui care incearca sa reconstuiasca evenimente din ziua acidentului, vedeti Sven era la volan in momentul in care ii spusese iubitei sale ca relatia lor nu mai poate continua, o fractiune de secunda si totul a disparut, incerca sa o linisteaca … timp in care au intrat pe contrasens. Sven este in coma la spital si Iondy … ei bine Iondy nu a supravietuit … a ramas doar fantoma ei.
Postarea facuta pe 7 noiembrie fara inregistrare cont a fost stearsa de doua ori, nu stiu de ce dar singurul motiv pentru care ma repet este pentru ca am stat ceva sa scriu asta si ar fi fost timpul pierdut degeaba … imi cer scuze daca a deranjat ceva, ceau.
Pana la urma cine a castigat ?