Cerere în căsătorie între 2 fani Minecraft, pe scena MineCon

“Would you be my pork chop?”

Un cuplu de gameri pasionaţi de Minecraft a avut parte de momentul vieţii. Cererea în căsătorie a avut loc chiar la MineCon, primul eveniment dedicat fanilor Minecraft, iar Notch (complicele întregii scenete) era pe scenă. Ce poate fi mai memorabil?


Matt, fericitul soţ, le-a scris celor de la Kotaku un mesaj:

Hey guys!

I’ve been a reader of Kotaku (and submitter of tips!) for some time now. I just wanted to give you a heads up that I was the guy who made the MineCon proposal to my lovely fiance, and I figured that I would offer to answer any questions and make myself available if you guys feel like posting about it. I feel like the proposal wouldn’t have been able to happen had I not have been able to work with such an amazing group of people at Mojang. JunkBoy himself made the artwork on the can, and MinecraftChick pretty much planned it! 🙂 I think you can Google “minecon proposal” to see videos of it, but the hotel wifi is so crappy here I’ve yet to have been able to check it out myself. (still reeling from everything as well).

Roberto Teodorescu
Roberto Teodorescu
Fondator al Overheat.ro, Roberto Teodorescu este omul care visează la răspândirea informaţiilor de calitate către pasionaţii de jocuri video. Legenda spune că ar fi pasionat de jocuri, IT, efecte speciale şi producţie muzicală. Şi cică ar fi născut prin '89.
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